Noticias Destacadas

Una madre construye arenero sobre la tumba de su bebé muerto para que pueda seguir jugando con su hermano mayor

 caja de arenaAshlee Hammac, de 24 años de edad, dio a luz a su bebé Ryan Michael Jolley en octubre pasado pero lamentablemente murió días después.

Hace una semana, Ashlee, quien vive en Lake City, Florida, compartió en su página de Facebookalgunas fotos de su hijo mayor jugando sobre la tumba del pequeño Ryan.

La mujer construyó un arenero sobre la tumba de su hijo para que Ryan siga jugando con su hermano mayor y otros niños.

Las fotos recibieron más de 170 mil likes y fueron compartidas por 50 mil personas.

Ryan Michael Jolley murió el 11 de octubre de 2013, 5 días después de haber nacido; padecíaencefalopatía hipóxico-isquémica. Al enterrarlo, Ashlee pensó decorar la tumba con piedras de colores, pero luego vio que su hijo mayor se sentaba en el sepulcro y platicaba con Ryan, entonces se le ocurrió lo del arenero.

Ashlee espera que Ryan siempre tenga con quien hablar, por eso construyó el arenero, así cualquiera puede sentarse al lado de su tumba, jugar y contarle una historia.caja de arena


marzo 15, 2014

Madre construye arenero sobre tumba de su bebé para que siga jugando

Una madre construye arenero sobre la tumba de su bebé muerto para que pueda seguir jugando con su hermano mayor
marzo 15, 2014

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marzo 14, 2014

¿Sabías que tu olor puede revelar si padeces alguna enfermedad?

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marzo 14, 2014
Chinese zoo keepers managed to save the life of a mentally disturbed man after he announced he wanted to improve the lives of caged tigers at a local zoo by offering them himself to eat.nnYang Jinhai, 27, had posted several online messages initially dealing with how optimistic he was about starting a new life after getting a job as a security guard  in Chengdu in southwest China¿s Sichuan province.nnBut he quickly found the job boring and monotonous and moved instead to a job in a printing factory where he also then resigned, saying that he felt there was more to life.nnJust what that was he only found out on going to the local zoo where he wrote how depressing it was to see the "noble and magnificent tigers" living in such humble surroundings, where they were caged and unable to follow their natural instincts to hunt and kill.nnHe then announced that he had decided to sacrifice himself in order to provide the Bengal tigers with support.nnEyewitness xxx said: "He climbed up the outside of the cage and jumped inside expecting that the tigers I assume would pounce on him. Instead the two tigers, a male and a female, seemed more nervous than anything else and the female actually ran off. He then tried to antagonise the tigers by pulling faces at them. Eventually he was attacked by the male where he was cut after being scratched and bitten before he could be rescued by zoo keepers who fired a tranquilliser dart at the male tiger."nnThey then pulled the man out of the cage.nnYang¿s family told local media Yang had been depressed for a long time and said that he had been taken to a home where he was given psychiatric counselling to cope with his problems.

Intento de suicidio tirándose a una jaula con tigres

Un individuo intenta suicidarse, tirándose a la jaula de los tigres de Bengala en un zoo, y fracasa debido al desinterés de los felinos.